
Hayate no Gotoku

Volume 29 of the popular Shounen manga, Hayate no Gotoku has been released and contains some nice subtle moments of fanservice! Even better, the limited edition comes with some bonus illustration cards! It’s nice to see a rare Nagi panchira among the illustrations~


NMB48 Gravure Swimsuit Photoshoot

According to Osakapop,

NMB48, named after the Namba entertainment district of Osaka, debuted late last year to become the fourth all-girl theatre idol group to be produced by Yasushi Akimoto, after sister groups AKB48, SKE48 and SDN48. The idea behind these groups is the “idol that you can actually meet” concept, so NMB48 will be performing regular shows at their home theatre in Namba. Currently, NMB48 is 25 members strong and Team N has officially been formed and has started performing at the NMB48 theatre.

I hadn’t even heard of NMB48 until now! It’s amazing how many stunning girls Yasushi Akimoto can pull together. Hopefully this group does some awesome stuff when they release singles!

EX-AKB48 Member AV

'Mayuyu' from AKB48 has moved on to doing AVs! This one actually looks really good, and she's such a cute girl! Not a bad deal for only 3000 yen!

Maybe they should just make an AV48 group?

Utsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Image

Promotional image for upcoming anime, Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi features a nice panty-shot! Hope to see more from the anime~

Official Nagi Panty-shot

This lovely artwork came with the new volume!

Astarotte no Omocha uncensorship

THey're working on uncensoring the BD version of Astarotte no Omocha, but this is the only preview we've got so far. It's a little underwhelming? Maybe it's just a bad example.

Toranoana Naked Apron

The famous store, Tora no Ana has a Hoshizora cardboard cut-out set up in-store.

And it's a naked-apron!!

Kuroneko Poster

Kuroneko bath poster comes with the next issue of Dengeki G's magazine. Hot!

Katja (Seikon no Qwaser) Hug PIllow

Katja-sama hug-pillow announced! I'd hit it HARD